Technology has made all travel much easier. Because of free wi-fi in airports, I was able to amuse myself writing, talking on FB, and working a little on photos. In Toronto, I sat at the gate and was amused to hear comments about the small amount of seating. In fact, there was lots of seating, but the gate morphed into a bar area, where food and beverages could be ordered from the iPads at every table.
I observed for a few minutes, and realized that ordering wasn't mandatory. I sat at a table, plugged in my laptop for a charge, and used the iPad for flight and weather information, sports scores, world news, and ... St. Paul obituaries. It was very comfortable, and so nicely configured. Easy to delete any personal information at the end of a session. I was in heaven!
I know the "radiation machines" for people scanning at security checkpoints are controversial, but I like them. The knee replacements are great, but a hassle at airports, so I love the machines. For some reason, none of the four security checkpoints on this trip had their machines in operation, and I was patted down each time. All very efficient and professional, but very time consuming and inefficient. I would have been happy to use the machines. Chances are I'm not going to die of radiation poisoning.